1. Videos must be horizontal.
  2. Use the features of iMovie discussed to create a short movie.
  3. You will shoot video clips and interview students about their technology usage, digital media and/or social media. .
  4. You yourself should not be in the video unless you are shown conducting the interview.
  5. Before you start interviewing students, come up with a topic and meaningful questions. Discuss the topic and questions with the instructor.For example: Do Students Prefer iOS or Android? Why?
  6. Shoot video clips of students talking about their technology usage and/or answering the questions you asked.
  7. Also shoot some b-roll of students using computers, cell phones, etc.
  8. Open a New Project in iMovie. Import the clips to a new event.
  9. In iMovie, use the handout and tutorial to include the following
    • At least 3 clips edited properly.
    • Must include one example of B-roll.
    • Must include one voiceover (easy use – a b-roll intro with voiceover).
    • At least one transition.
    • Add a title with a person’s name whenever possible.
    • Video should be at least 2 min and no longer than 2:30 min.
    • Must have a title intro (suggested is an ending title as well).
  10. Export the video using the proper setting (Click on “Share” then share to Youtube, sign in using your Gmail login and set the video to public ). The file you exported should be a MOV or MP4 or M4V file.
  11. Upload to Youtube. Send the Youtube link to the instructor.