My first experience with coding was my freshman year of college when I took Jon Zmikly’s Fundamentals of Digital Online Media course. I learned the basis of HTML code and a little history about it, but as far as actually
Christopher Cabello-Blog Post 1
Coding has been in my life for about two years now. I haven’t actually done this kind of work since my sophomore year two years ago in Fundamentals of Digital Online Media (FDOM). Coding is like that significant other that
Angelique Paccione – Blog Post 1
My first experience with coding was my freshman year while taking Fundamentals of Digital and Online Media. We learned beginner coding, and I felt really cool being able to add that onto my resume. It was fun learning the basic
Taylor Tribbey Blog Post 1
I hardly have any experience with coding. I first saw how coding was done back when the social media MySpace was popular, but I still did not understand how it worked. The first time I started to understand how coding
Post One // I never knew …
Honestly, I was afraid to click the register link for this class. I was always more of World Literature type of gal and computers and codes were never my thing … at least until now. Dare I say that I
Angelica Maldonado Blog Post 1
I’ve had a little bit of experience coding from the FDOM class I took last semester. One of the assignments was to create a webpage using TextWrangler and HTML so it was easy to create the website for Project 1.
Adam Raiford-Blog Post 1
After going through the basics of HTML and CSS it has given me a new appreciation for the sophistication and general ease of using particularly good websites. Inspecting some of my more favorite websites somewhat terrifies me seeing how much
Felipe Partida Blog post 1
My first experience with coding goes back to the Myspace days. I was the one kid who would copy an already made layout’s code then added my own pictures, text size/font, and music players. I google how to change a
Mikaela Lewis- Blog Post 1
Our first experience with learning and applying the basics of html code has been very rewarding for me already. My previous knowledge of html solely came from the Fundamentals of Digital and Online Media class here at Texas State that
Alena Leseten – Blog Post 1
Prior to taking this class the only knowledge of coding I had was from taking FDOM my first semester at Texas State and back in my middle school days when I would hop on MySpace and create or improve layouts