I made a movie talking about how digital media has taken over the way we listen to music and how if people prefer streaming music rather than physical media.
Amy Berryhill- iMovie Project
Me and my partner, Adam Raiford did our social media project on dating apps and focused on Tinder. Tinder is the most popular dating app among college kids and most of them have the app or know someone who uses
iMovie Project – Alena Leseten
Dylan Lochridge-Fletcher: Imovie
I have used iMovie before but I am more comfortable using other video editing software. This was a fun project that allowed me to interview and put my video editing skills to use. Our topic was about social media and
Sarah Bey iMovie Project
For our iMovie project, Elise and I decided to tackle dating apps. With technological advances in mobile devices, dating has slightly strayed away from its traditional forms and we were interested to see if our peers felt the apps were
Kimberly Perkins- iMovie Project
Taylor Tribbey iMovie Exercise
Here is the url for my iMovie Exercise on YouTube. My classmate Victoria Morin and I did this iMovie Exercise where we interviewed students asking what type of social media they use. Victoria interviewed the first two students and I
iMovie Project
For our question, we wanted to see which form of Social Media people preferred and why?
Anna Herod-iMovie Assignment
The following video focuses on what types of technology people use to access their music. Interviewees also explored their attitudes toward downloading music illegally.
Bridgette East iMovie
My partner and I did our video about the importance of coding in future careers (particularly mass communications.) We also wanted to see how students felt about coding.