I had a great time with the events during Mass Comm week. One of my favorite events was held in the Evan’s auditorium on Tuesday. Author Domingo Garcia gave a speech to Hispanic high school students, as well as Texas
MC Week
During this year’s mass communications week I was able to attend three panels. My overall experience at MC Week was great and I enjoyed all of the panels I attended. The first one I attended was Multicultural PR: A Niche
My mass comm week was filled with stress and time conflicts, but overall it was an interesting week. While I had several projects to work on I was still able to visit four panels. The first I saw in my
Mass Comm Week Experience
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication went all out for Mass Comm week. Unfortunately I was only able to attend one panel this year due to a conference I had to attend the rest of the week. The panel
MC Week
I love Mass Comm Week. It always happens right at the perfect time in the semester. Right when you’re burned out and exhausted and starting to wonder if you actually hate communication/digital media/learning/everyone, Mass Comm week comes around and a)
Mass Comm Week
This was my first time attending Mass Comm week, and I was only able to attend two events. However, I found them both interesting and inspiring. I left both panels excited for my future possibilities. The first panel I attended
Mass Comm Week
I got to experience mass comm week for the first time last year, but this year was definitely an experience to remember. I know as a student it often gets overwhelming to feel like you don’t know what you want
Holly Van Hoozer
I really did enjoy Mass Comm week! Before this year, I never went to the panels because I just never made it a priority to attend. I have a bright future ahead of me. But, this year I decided to
Blog Three-chealsey
So, you could say that I’ve made the Austin area my new home. And yes, traffic is horrible and the population has increased immensely but that’s exactly why I’m doing this…. I want to make my website all about Austin.
project 3: coffee forever

I promise I’m not actually naming it that though, I’m just trying to get this post in before deadline. For my Project 3 I’m planning on creating a website about coffee. It’s the force behind my entire life so it’s