I look forward to Mass Comm Week every year. There are always great speakers and I always get a lot out of the panels. This year, my schedule is a bit more busy than I would like, so I only
Mass Comm Week
I had the opportunity to attend 3 mass comm events this week. The first one I went to was on Monday night. It was a showing of the documentary Merchants of Doubt. I really enjoyed the documentary because it shed
Mass Comm Week
One of the coolest parts of being a mass comm major is that the university hosts a week of events, pretty much tailored to your major. During Mass Comm Week, I was able to attend a few events & see
Project 3: A Veggie Tale
So when I’m cooking for myself I make vegan food. I figured that would be easy to fill five pages of content on. I can do a breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, appetizer, and appetizer page. It also gives me an
Project 3: Nicole Green
For my Project 3, I’ve decided I want to do it about photography and art. I’ve been interested in art,photography and drawing since I was a little girl, going around taking pictures of pretty much everything and drawing whenever I had
Project 3
I will do my project 3 over my love for music. I spend most of my time listening to music so I figure I will be able to come up with several pages worth of material. I plan on having a
Hobby Site: Jasmyne Douglas
For project 3, I have decided to create a website surrounding my hobby: drawing. I find drawing to be therapeutic and use it to unwind and take my mind off of things when I get stressed out from school or
Project 3 Idea – Feminism/Diversity in Comics Blog
For my Project 3, I decided to do a blog combining two things I enjoy: feminism and comic books/super hero media. I’ve been into superheroes since I was about 13 years old (Iron Man was released when I was in
Blog Post 4- Lord of the Rings
One of my hobbies is studying Tolkien and his works, in particularly Lord of the Rings. I have been a huge fan since I was eight years old and I don’t feel enough people appreciate what the series has done
Organization Website- Feminists United
For my Bootstrap website I chose to do it on a student organization at Texas State, Feminists United. I have been a part of the organization since my freshman year and I have seen it grow in membership from a