This class has been quite interesting. I’ve never had a class like this one. I took it as an elective looking to gain a skill that can be useful in a world that is becoming increasingly technological. I remember being
Mass Comm Week 2015
This year’s Mass Comm week was a really confidence boosting experience for me. I was able to attend two panels at this year’s event. I was able to hear from Burt Herman, founder of Hacks/Hackers and Storify, Trei Brundrett, chief
Project 3 Topic
One thing that has greatly influenced my life is the music of mariachi. I never thought that learning the guitar at a young age in middle school would have become such a big part of my life. Not only have – Blog 2
Baseball is life. For me, anyway. It’s the last thing i check before going to sleep. I see the final scores, check the home run highlights and the sweet, flawless double-plays. Luckily for me, is an amazingly designed website
Samuel Ramirez
To all my peeps, my name is Samuel Ramirez, but you can call me Sammy. I am a 20-year-old Public Relations major and Business Administration minor here at Texas State. I was born in Encinitas, California, but I consider Fort Worth,