I emailed my project before the deadline yesterday since I would be working. I’ve definitely enjoyed this class and learned a lot! I wanted to share my project with the class.
Rebecca Banks Project 3
My project 3 for my craft hobby.
Rebecca Banks- Blog Post 3
I really like being creative and DIY projects so I am going to make that my subject for Project 3. I chose this topic because it also provides good visuals for my site. I am going to break down my
iMovie Assignment
Hey everyone! I have used iMovie before in other classes but this time I was able to try new things with videos. This time I introduced my sources with a title slide along with them saying their name. Here is my
Becca Banks- interactive assignment
I updated my site to be interactive: rebeccabanks.net
Becca Banks Blog Post 2
Honestly I was a little nervous about the troubleshooting assessment but it turned out to be easier than what I thought. I just looked at each page individually to see what was wrong and then made the corresponding changes. I
Becca Banks Project 2
I’m excited to have a better looking website and using CSS! You can visit my site at rebeccabanks.net
Rebecca Banks Blog Post 1
I don’t have a lot of experience coding outside of this class. I was introduced to html and css in FDOM, but only the very basics. Before class started I was pretty nervous about how well I could handle
Rebecca Banks
This is my url for project one: rebeccabanks.net