My experience in this class was definitely one of learning. Web publication and HTML were both foreign to me when I began this course. I admit I had my hesitations at first and felt as though the material was an
Final Mass Comm Week
This past Mass Comm Week was my last to attend as a Bobcat student and it surely did not disappoint. Since declaring my major as advertising, I have had a number of teachers require attendance and live tweeting for mcweek.
After bringing in a piece of news for class discussion, I stumbled upon another website I really enjoy. BBC.comĀ is a site I regularly used before, but never realized its sophistication in web design. On a general inspection I really enjoy
Morgan Banks
HELLO, My name is Morgan! I am taking this course, as I’m sure many others are, to satisfy an advanced elective for my Mass Communications degree. Of Course there were many other options when I chose this particular course, but