Our topic was over social media apps and it’s usage. We decided to go around campus and ask people hanging out on their phones what their favorite social media apps where, what they used them for, and if it was
Karina Saucedo – Responsive Exercise
Here is my responsive exercise: karinasaucedo.com
Karina Saucedo – Blog Post 2
After the troubleshoot assessment, I personally feel at ease fixing links and the html pages. I’m probably having the hardest time with CSS but not too hard a time. One thing I definitely struggle with is making sure I close tags,
Karina Saucedo – Project 2
Here is the link to my Project 2: karinasaucedo.com
Karina Saucedo – Blog Post 1
My experience with coding thus far has been pretty great but only because I took FDOM this Summer. If I hadn’t, I would be completely lost! Now that we are getting more into CSS, I’m having a hard time remembering
Karina Saucedo – Project 1
Here is the url for Project 1: karinasaucedo.com