I really enjoyed this class. I had worked with basic HTML before in another class but never really had the chance to go in-depth or apply it in a way that was fun for me. It’s hard to say what
Jenna’s Mass Comm Week Experience
During Mass Comm Week I was able to attend several panels. I went to Entrepreneurial Thinking with speaker Chris Perez of Citygram Austin, Trisha Espinoza, BET Programmer and former Texas State student, Better Outside with Texas Parks and Wildlife, and
Jenna’s Project 3 Plans
I try to spend a lot of time outside with my dog. She loves to play and go on hikes with me, especially now that the weather is starting to ease up and not be quite so hot, so I
Paper Magazine
I really like the layout of Paper Magazine’s website. It may look plain to some of you, and it doesn’t have the most fancy features, but it’s still visually appealing in my opinion. Each story or photo series has a
Jenna Coleman
Hi everyone! My name is Jenna, I’m 22, from Austin, and I’m a journalism senior. I’ll be graduating this December and I hope to move to Arizona soon after to work, and later go to grad school for archaeology. It’s