Overall, I can truly say I have enjoyed this class. I gained knowledge on topics I knew very little about in the beginning, and engaged in thought-provoking conversation with my peers. I always have found web design to be very
Mass Comm Week Experience
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication went all out for Mass Comm week. Unfortunately I was only able to attend one panel this year due to a conference I had to attend the rest of the week. The panel
Project 3- Organization Website
For Project 3 I would like to create a website with Bootstrap about KTSW. I have been a staff member for KTSW now for 4 semester, and I am currently the Social Media Administrator. Since I am apart of this
The Daily Beast – Jasmine Kardani
I am a new user to The Daily Beast website, but I originally took a liking to this site because of its appearance. I saw my friend on The Daily Beast at work, and I thought it looked interesting so
Jasmine Kardani
My name is Jasmine Kardani, and I am a 20-year-old Junior at Texas State University. I was raised in Spring, Texas and attended Klein Collins High School. I was involved in many activities in high school and have continued to