Looking back at this class throughout the semester, I have learned about a lot of new tools & expanded on skills I had, as well as learning new ones. I think my favorite assignment was iMovie – Before this assignment,
Mass Comm Week
One of the coolest parts of being a mass comm major is that the university hosts a week of events, pretty much tailored to your major. During Mass Comm Week, I was able to attend a few events & see
My Project 3 Plans
For project 3, I plan to build a website for the Terry Scholars of Texas State student organization, an organization that consists of about 150 current students & of which I am currently an officer for. For those that do
In response to the readings, I think responsive design is essential because it’s a digital way of engaging with readers. If the website is stagnant & does not do anything to hold the reader’s attention, they may be more easily
BuzzFeed is so aesthetically pleasing to me. I feel like it is designed very well. I like that it is filled with images & that everything is neatly aligned. I appreciate that much of the text is in list format
Hailey Morphis
Hey everyone! My name is Hailey Morphis, I am a senior and I am majoring in public relations. I’m a Terry Scholar & I am an officer & active member of the Texas State Terry Scholars student organization, which typically entails lots of