my final project on domestic abuse
Blog post 4-Erin DeWitt
This class has been my favorite class all semester, I really enjoyed challenging myself. My favorite project was the bootstrap project because it was something I have not done before, and really enjoyed learning how to use bootstrap to my
Erin DeWitt- Project 3 Bootstrap that’s the link to my bootstrap site! 😀
Erin DeWitt- blog 3
Well, I thought I submitted this friday, but apparently not… better late then never. But, my bootstrap site is going to be based on my watercolor paintings. I wanted to do something I really enjoy doing that could host some
Erin DeWitt- iMovie Project
My video is about social media uses within our generation.
Erin DeWitt- Responsive Exercise
Here is the link to my responsive site.
Erin DeWitt- Blog Post Two
After the assessment I felt extremely comfortable with everything we have talked about, A LOT better then I expected actually. I found the errors and corrected them efficiently and quickly.The one that took me the longest (and it wasn’t all
Erin DeWitt: Project two
here is my project two
Erin DeWitt- Blog Post One
Well, like a majority of our class I started “coding” back in the My Space days. I never really knew what I was doing but I knew if I went into the code and changed a few little things I
Erin DeWitt — Project One
Here is the link to project one !