I did my final project on campus carry.
Danielle Martinez- Blog Post 4
I really enjoyed this class! My favorite assignment was project 2. I liked building a website that presented my personality and skills. I will use the website for my portfolio to show my current and future work. I struggled with
Danielle Martinez- Project 3
Here is the link to my project 3:
Danielle Martinez- Blog post 3
For the next project, I plan to build a website for an organization I am involved in on campus. Texas State Public Relations Student Society of America is a national organization that develop public relations professionals and provides opportunities such
iMovie Exercise- Danielle Martinez
Social media plays a huge role in our everyday lives. Which social media platform is your favorite? Which is your least favorite? A few students are asked a few questions about social media platforms in this video. This topic is
Danielle Martinez- Responsive Exercise
This is the link to my responsive exercise:
Danielle Martinez – Blog post 2
I thought the trouble assessment wasn’t too bad. By bringing up the website on an internet browser first, it allowed me to see what wasn’t working properly. However, the broken code that was in the very top code of every page
Danielle Martinez – Project 2
Here is the url to my project 2:
Danielle Martinez- Blog Post 1
Prior to this class, I had very basic knowledge of HTML coding. Last semester I took FDOM, which taught me the basics for HTML and CSS. However, we did not go in depth to CSS coding. We were given the
Danielle Martinez- Project 1
Here is the url for my project 1 in which I created from scratch a bio website using HTML coding: