Devon Martinez- Blog post 4
So when I signed up for the class I didn’t think it was going to be ALL about coding for the most part. That was my fault for not understanding that designing a website means using code to design it.
Devon Martinez-Blog post 3
My website will be about hooping (hoop dance). Not like playing basket ball but hula hooping. Those of you who know anything about hooping you know its not just merely spinning it around your waist. I will have a about
Devon Martinez iMovie Project
Heres my Project. Enjoy 🙂
Devon Martinez Responsive Assignment
Devon Martinez Blog Post 2
After doing the troubleshooting assignment I actually found myself getting pretty comfortable with working with basic html and css. I am definitely a little more comfortable with html but I think that is because css is still so new to
Devon Martinez Project 2
Here is my Project 2
Devon Martinez- Blog Post 1
So far my experience with coding has had its up’s and down’s. I found HTML to be enjoyable and very simple. I thought to myself “Wow, this is so easy” and I breezed right through our first project. Then we
Devon Martinez Project 1
Here is the url for my Project 1: