I wasn’t expecting this semester to end so quickly and I wasn’t expecting to learn so much. I liked that this class gives you actual material to show employers. It’s one of those courses that is geared toward actual skill
Mass Comm Week- Chealsey Foradory
Mass Comm week was a blast in my personal opinion. I normally attend mass comm week because I feel as though it keeps me up to date on what’s going on in the world of journalism. This years Comm Week
Blog Three-chealsey
So, you could say that I’ve made the Austin area my new home. And yes, traffic is horrible and the population has increased immensely but that’s exactly why I’m doing this…. I want to make my website all about Austin.
TANE Digital Video- Chealsey Foradory
So I have I mentioned that I work in film? Because I spend most of my days editing and staring into a computer screen when I’m not capturing B-roll, I tend to need creative inspiration. Tane Digital Video, is
Chealsey Foradory
Greeting everyone! My name is Chealsey Foradory, I’m 23, and like most of you I’m a Mass Communications major. I’m from an extremely small town that no one has heard of called Rockne, Texas. There is really only two things