My experience in this class was a positive one. I really hated learning the basics. Mostly because it’s rudimentary stuff that we took way too much time on which would have been better suited towards learning other materials for
My mass comm week was filled with stress and time conflicts, but overall it was an interesting week. While I had several projects to work on I was still able to visit four panels. The first I saw in my
Culinary Blog project 4
Write a blog post about the hobby or organization you plan to build a site for in project 3. Include some background on your choice, both what and why, what your five (5) pages will be and how you think
I personally love the way netflix has revolutionized the design and tv navigation streaming on their website. I have frequented streaming sites for years. All before the era of netflix, hulu, crunchyroll, and all other main forms of online tv
Christopher Garza
My name is Christopher Garza. I hate to admit it, but I’m a second year senior. I switched my major three times, and I finally feel like advertising with a minor in writing is at least a decent degree plan