I really enjoyed taking this course. I remember when I was trying to decide between taking this course or media design I was anxious about the hand-coding aspect of it and worried that I would have trouble grasping this new
Mass Comm Week
I was able to attend 3 Mass Comm week panels this past week. The first one I attended was a talk by author Domingo Martinez surrounding his memoir “The Boy Kings of Texas” and the importance of staying in college.
Organization Website- Feminists United
For my Bootstrap website I chose to do it on a student organization at Texas State, Feminists United. I have been a part of the organization since my freshman year and I have seen it grow in membership from a
Medium- Blog 2
A site whose design I immediately fell in love with is a website called Medium. According to their website Medium is “a new place on the Internet where people share ideas and stories that are longer than 140 characters and not
Caitlin Rodriguez
Hi, I’m Caitlin! I’m 21, from El Paso, TX and I’m a senior journalism major, sociology minor. I’m taking this course to fulfill my degree requirement but I decided to take web pub instead of media design because I think