I think this has been one of my favorite mass comm classes I’ve ever taken. I think what mostly intrigues me about web design-and this class- is actually seeing my hard work. I’m so excited to utilize the skills I’ve
Mass Comm Week
I was able to attend two different panels this week. One was with Trisha Espinoza who is VP of programming for BET and a recorded skype interview Bharati Naik who works at CNN. I was very awestruck at the paths both
Blog Post 4- Lord of the Rings
One of my hobbies is studying Tolkien and his works, in particularly Lord of the Rings. I have been a huge fan since I was eight years old and I don’t feel enough people appreciate what the series has done
Blog Post 2: Apple
I feel personally that the Apple website is designed really well. I love how sleek and simple it is.The products of Apple are extremely user friendly so is the webs design. I honestly cannot point out anything I really dislike about the website because
Chasity Chapman
Hello classmates! My name is Chasity, I’m a virgo, I take short walks to the fridge, I’m a Public Relations major with a digital media concentration and I’m minoring in pop culture. My hobbies include breathing and petting my dog.