I did my project on the role of women in the mass communications field.
Bridgette East post 4
I learned so much in this class. I would say it was one of the most useful mass comm classes I have taken while at Texas State. I loved making my own personal website to showcase my skills and work. The
Bridgette East project 3 I made my website about MR Fest, KTSW 89.9’s annual music festival held at the end of April.
Bridgette East Blog post 3
I will be making a website for KTSW’s music festival, MR Fest. I will have pages for the lineup, venues, the history of the fest, the charity that the fest benefits and social media for the festival.
Bridgette East iMovie
My partner and I did our video about the importance of coding in future careers (particularly mass communications.) We also wanted to see how students felt about coding.
Bridgette East Responsive Assignment
This is my responsive assignment.
Bridgette East Blog 2
I didn’t have too much trouble with the troubleshooting assignment, but it did help me understand just how small errors can make a big difference. For example, seeing how forgetting </table> could mess up the footer really reinforced that concept
Bridgette East Project 2
My website is
Bridgette East Blog Post 1
Overall, coding is a lot easier than I expected it to be. I expected coding to be more math-intensive than it has been so far, and while I have no doubt that advanced coding does deal with more math, basic
Bridgette East Project 1
Here is my url for my first project: