My favorite assignment thus far has been the Bootstrap portion. At first it was confusing, but once I got the hang of it I was able to make some visual changes to my website that really surprised me. It seemed
Project 3- Adam Raiford
For project 3 I chose to create a website focusing on several artists within the Austin/South Texas area. These artists operate within different mediums of art, ranging from sculpting to audio engineering.Texas Art Spotlight
Blog Post 3
For my final project I’ve decided to spotlight local artists in the Austin and San Antonio area. Generally the theme will focus on all forms of art including photography, music and art, but more specifically will spotlight specific artists within
Adam Raiford- iMovie
Welcome to the mixed reviews of the popular dating app Tinder. This video offers a wide array of opinions and even a horror story involving the controversial application.
Responsive Exercise- Adam Raiford
Howdy, Here’s my link for the responsive exercise
Blog Post 2- Adam Raiford
The troubleshooting quiz/test wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, but it still gave me some trouble. I felt like a found the issues pretty easily, but I kept thinking I had missed something so just scanned through
Project 2- Adam Raiford
This is the link for Project 2
Adam Raiford-Blog Post 1
After going through the basics of HTML and CSS it has given me a new appreciation for the sophistication and general ease of using particularly good websites. Inspecting some of my more favorite websites somewhat terrifies me seeing how much
Adam Raiford-Project 1
Here’s my link for project one.