This is the link to my final assignment.
Anna Herod Project 3
Here is the link to my Project 3:
Anna Herod-iMovie Assignment
The following video focuses on what types of technology people use to access their music. Interviewees also explored their attitudes toward downloading music illegally.
Anna Herod Project 3
Here is my responsive project 3:
Anna Herod – Blog Post 2
The troubleshooting assessment was very useful to me because it brought to my attention which areas of coding I am strong in and which areas I could grow in. Ultimately, I felt most comfortable fixing what was broken. I’m good
Anna Herod Project 2
Here is the URL to my site I updated for Project 2:
Anna Herod – Blog Post 1
Ever since Evan Smith, founder, CEO and editor-in-chief of the Texas Tribune, came to campus to speak my freshman year, I have been interested in learning how to code. The Texas Tribune is one of my favorite media outlets, and
Anna Herod Project 1
Here is the URL to my first project: