Overall, I really enjoyed this class and I’d go as far as saying it was my favorite class this semester. I really liked every assignment, but my favorite so far is probably our final project. Mine is on rape culture
Mass Comm Week
Mass Comm Week is always one of my favorite events of the year. This year, I was able to attend only one panel because I ended up getting sick (half my staff is sick and it’s literally terrible), but the
Project 3 Idea – Feminism/Diversity in Comics Blog
For my Project 3, I decided to do a blog combining two things I enjoy: feminism and comic books/super hero media. I’ve been into superheroes since I was about 13 years old (Iron Man was released when I was in
Blog Post 2: Washington Post
One of my favorite websites to visit is the Washington Post. Not only is it one of my go-tos for news, but I also believe it’s very well designed. I like the way the home page is set up, with
Alexis De La Garza
Hey guys! My name is Alexis De La Garza, and I’m a 20-year-old junior public relations major with an economics minor, although I’m considering either changing that or adding a second minor in something like social work or child development.