Hey everyone! So, I decided to do my final project over millennials and their political involvement. I though it would be a cool topic since the 2016 election is coming up and there is campaigning and political news flooding the
Amy Berryhill Project 3
Here is the link to my Project 3: travel.berryhillamy.com It’s a website about different places to travel to and nature photography.
Amy Berryhill- iMovie Project
Me and my partner, Adam Raiford did our social media project on dating apps and focused on Tinder. Tinder is the most popular dating app among college kids and most of them have the app or know someone who uses
Amy Berryhill- Responsive Assignment
This is the URL for my responsive assignment (project 3): berryhillamy.com
Amy Berryhill-Blog Post 2
Hey everyone! I feel like I have already learned a great deal of code this semester. I am completely new to coding, so it’s all about baby steps. The troubleshooting assignment was actually pretty easy for me, which I was
Amy Berryhill- Project 2
This is the URL for my project 2: berryhillamy.com
Amy Berryhill- Blog Post 1
My first experience with coding was my freshman year of college when I took Jon Zmikly’s Fundamentals of Digital Online Media course. I learned the basis of HTML code and a little history about it, but as far as actually
Amy Berryhill Project 1
This is the URL for my Project 1: berryhillamy.com