So this was a very fast paced semester. I loved the whole web design aspect of the class. I realize it is a web design class… but i just wanted to say that its refreshing to see a topic I’m interested in on my class schedule. Too many semesters in my life time (even as far back as middle school) have i looked at my schedule and sighed thinking “just one more semester, next one ill get a fun class.”
I have only had 4 or so classes that i looked at the description and fell in love with. This class is number 5 and it didn’t disappoint. I feel like it was structured very well, and i think it took a very systematical approach and teaching web design… I wish this class could be split into two classes and become mandatory (like broadcast and TV news are). But overall i don’t think i could make many suggestions to improve it. I loved how it was all project based…. Again… SO NICE to have project based classes in my senior year instead of the typical 4 tests and a final.
Professor Larson is awesome too… she was a bit rushed at times (which is understandable considering there was 15 of us who had to clue what to do and all had similar problems) but she kept her cool and every single time i asked for help, she found the problem and worked me through it. The constant email contact from her was amazing too… i have an extremely busy life in my senior year and I’m sure it won’t get any easier on my last semester. Being able to read an important email from her while i was 1) working … or 2) working on another project… and flag the email for later use was a blessing. Honestly it kept me on track and with out her email contact i’d likely had needed to drop the class. I really hope that this class is continued in the future and that Larson teaches it. I could easily see this class turning into a bad experience with out such an awesome professor.