- This is a multimedia reporting project. Create a complete Web site to present your story idea using a WordPress.ORG package, including interface design, navigation, and content.
- All content should be your original work. Arrange appropriate interviews, photos, or recording as necessary. Contact appropriate sources.
- Carefully plan sections and organize your time to allow for creating appropriate graphics, obtaining photos, video clips, and other information.
- You (and your group member, if applicable) can share multimedia materials, but each of you have to create your own written content.
- Each student needs to write at least two text stories, at least 500 words for each story.
- The project MUST have a minimum of four multimedia components: Your site must include at least one video (or more), one photo slideshow/gallery (with captions), and one data visualization component. The fourth component can be something new or a second of any of the previously mentioned. For each multimedia component, include a title and one short paragraph of text describing what the multimedia component is about. These components can be embedded within one of your stories or belong to their own section.
- The site should include at least 5 different sections, represented by 5 pages. Create appropriate navigation.
- Among those pages, you need to have an About page that includes (a) a photo of you (b) contact and (c) other information about you.
- The emphasis on this project is storytelling and information reporting. It should not be a hobby, portfolio, or personal site unless you have the topic approved by the instructor in advance.
- You do not need to upload files through Fetch for this project. You will be working through WordPress to modify your files. Your final URL should be:
- Make sure this project is linked to on your assignment page.