One of the coolest parts of being a mass comm major is that the university hosts a week of events, pretty much tailored to your major. During Mass Comm Week, I was able to attend a few events & see some of the distinguished speakers including Trisha Espinoza, VP of BET.

From hearing Espinoza speak, I learned a lot about how unpredictable jobs in media can be, because your day depends on so many things & you really have to be great at adapting. The topic was largely focused on how a network competes in a day where streaming is really popular. The take away for me was the ability to adapt is really key in media, at least if you want to stay relevant.

Another event I was able to attend was the “Adventures in Media Innovation” panel, which featured 3 innovators of media including, Burt Herman, founder of Storify; Trei Brundrett, chief product officer of Vox Media Inc.; & Anna Tauzin, senior marketing manager at National Restaurant Association. It was exciting to hear advice from 3 successful individuals, if there’s one thing that’s been made apparent to me it’s that you have to stand out, you have to be different. The panelists offered up lots of advice on how to do that, but it seemed to me that you really just have to get experience, try lots of things, & figure out what your thing is & run with it.

Mass Comm Week

2 thoughts on “Mass Comm Week

  • October 23, 2015 at 5:34 pm

    Adventures in Media Innovation was one of the panels I wanted to go to, but I had to work. Sounds like it was a good one! I feel like that’s the advice we all keep getting – just to try different stuff and see what works for us.

  • October 25, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    Adventures in Media Innovation sounds really interesting. The three individuals that talked I’m sure had a lot of good information to listen to and take in.


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