I know there’s probably going to be a few websites on the culinary arts and such. However, I’m a huge foodie and my goal with my website is not so much to put up my cooking experiences but to target the foodie audience that likes the exposure of new foods and restaurants. I already have a food photography blog, but  with this website I plan on expanding that idea and go more in detail about my experiences.

My 5 pages are going to be Home/About, Texas Foods, International Foods, My Foods, Featured/News. My Home/About page is of course just an introduction to the website, some background on myself, and my contact and social media information. The second page Texas Foods is going to feature restaurants that I visit and foods that I try in Texas, I wanted to dedicate a page to my home being that I obviously spend a lot of time here. My third page on International Foods is going to feature restaurants and foods that I’ve tried in other states and countries. My fourth page My Foods will consist of my own recipes/ideas. And my fifth page Featured/News is going to include information on upcoming restaurants, sharing posts from other culinary blogs or websites, or just foodie thing I find appealing and useful for my website.

I definitely enjoy eating out as much as I like cooking and I’d like to appeal to food lovers that are the same way. It’s my goal to inform about great restaurants and plates worth trying.

Foodie Website

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