Hi, my name is Mysela Alvarez. I am 21 years old from Pecos, Texas and my major is Mass Communication with a focus on Electronic Media. I decided to take this class because I feel that knowing how to code looks really good on a resume. I’m hoping to really get the most out of this class because getting familiar with how the web works is essential with the way society is headed.

My favorite website to visit is YouTube. I love to find new music and spend most of my day watching music videos. YouTube, as we all know, is a huge database of endless videos. My favorite feature is the recommended videos.

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Mysela Alvarez

One thought on “Mysela Alvarez

  • September 6, 2015 at 6:08 pm

    Hi Mysela! My best friend and I always get on YouTube ever since we were in middle school, it’s out favorite pass time together. We made an attempt to be “YouTube famous” and made a channel for our videos and it is quite embarrassingly funny because it was just us dancing to the Jonas Brothers in her living room.
    But now we just look up random videos of Harry Styles and fashion shows!


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