I arrived here just over three years ago, jammed all of my belongings into a 5′ x 10′ U-Haul storage unit (climate controlled by request of the vinyl), picked up my Recording King acoustic guitar, and looked for the first stage I could find.

Maybe I arrived as hopeful as anyone, new songs on my mind, a reinvigorated determination riding a current of newly achieved sobriety. The air was sweeter, familiar even.

I scrolled through an issue of the Austin Chronicle looking for a chance to hear musicians in the “live music capital of the world”. Found a place I have visited once prior, Flipnotics on Barton Springs road. I group of four musicians were trading songs in the quiet, small back room. I never imagined I would become friends with all four of these writers, and share a stage with them in the coming years.

Travel the world, grab your acoustic guitar, play cowboy songs, play folk standards, play ocapella mountain songs, play rural blues, play electric blues, play ballads, write your own songs…

I would be an incredible life to be a musician, and maybe it could have been, or still could be, but I found myself reading through flyers on the wall at Austin Community College and the next thing I knew I was enrolled in the school of Journalism.

I’m out to explore the amazing amount of talent that can be found in Austin, Texas, and sharing it with my new classmates at Texas State University, as well as anyone interested in a fresh look at what this city has to offer.

Take a look at my articles at the Musician Edition

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– Andrew Blanton

Wading through the sea of sounds in a vibrant environment by Andrew Blanton

One thought on “Wading through the sea of sounds in a vibrant environment by Andrew Blanton

  • September 6, 2015 at 8:32 pm

    That’s pretty cool that you took a chance in a new city for your passion in music. Hope that you keep pushing your dream to be a musician!


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