
My name is Christopher Garza. I hate to admit it, but I’m a second year senior. I switched my major three times, and I finally feel like advertising with a minor in writing is at least a decent degree plan that will land me a well paying job. I’m hoping that it will be a window into exploring my own creativity.

I will never stop learning, and I hope I will gain some useful skills from taking this class. If I am being completely honest I only took this class so that I could fill up the nine hours left that I have in my communications electives. I switched out of a media law class and transferred into this class because that specific professor talks down to his students. So I spoke to my academic adviser. Trying to fill up the hours that I lost and he recommended this class. He deemed it as a class that would teach me a valuable work skill, so I went with his suggestion. I am hoping to at least get my feet wet in the world of code, and learn as much as a I can. I really only need a starting point and then I tend to run with any hobby as best as I can. I already have a few others such as running, mt. biking, as well as learning piano, and Japanese.

The website that I visit the most isĀ Reddit. I usually go there to laugh at random things, or learn something new and catch up on world news, but mostly I love being able to ask the vast community for any sort of advice or help on a specific topic. If I am having computer troubles all I need to do is post in a specific forum and there are folks there instantly willing to help solve my problem. It truly is a great community full of diversity and people willing to help anyone in need.

Christopher Garza

5 thoughts on “Christopher Garza

  • September 4, 2015 at 6:00 am

    Hey Christopher! I have actually never visited Reddit (until now), but I know many things go viral after starting off on this site. I really enjoy how many popular websites now days are community friendly and allow for its users to engage with the content and others. I think it’s important for companies to understand that website users want to be able to do more than just browse things on their sites. Reddit does seem like it possess a wide source of content, and users who are willing to participate in the random conversations.

    • September 4, 2015 at 6:02 am

      I’m glad you feel that way. It comes with its pros and cons just like any other community website. It does tend to generate a hive mind, but you have to ignore those folks and focus on the positive people in the community. They can be very friendly and cater to all types of people from all walks of life. Do you have any favorite sites?

  • September 4, 2015 at 4:54 pm

    Reddit is super interesting. I haven’t been on that site in a while, but when I do get on it’s pretty hard to get off. I like your take on the site though. Very nice worded opinion.

  • September 4, 2015 at 8:24 pm

    Yeah man it’s a good site, but it can be so hard to get off. I often find myself traveling down the reddit hole and see no end in sight as to when I will get off of it.

  • September 8, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    I’m starting to realize how awesome reddit is. I love learning new stuff and there’s a plethora of cool things on there.


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