So when I signed up for the class I didn’t think it was going to be ALL about coding for the most part. That was my fault for not understanding that designing a website means using code to design it. Over all, I enjoyed Becks as a teacher. She was super sweet and is always there to help you figure out what’s going on with your code although it was a very fast paced class.
I don’t think I will continue doing code just because it frustrates me and gives me anxiety when i can’t figure out what’s wrong with my code. It discourages me very quickly. I did enjoy the class for the experience aspect of it.
My favorite part of the class was easily the IMovie assignment. Working in media and video is more my forte than working with html and CSS, so that part was easy and i can honestly say I ENJOYED it. I would still like to use what I learned in class to make a better website for myself, to promote other things that i do and hopefully help me snag a career in the future.