The Web Publishing class was definitely one of the most challenging classes that I have had. Though the class is not as hard compared to the Media Law and Ethics class, which I am currently taking. The reason why this class was a huge challenge for me is because I did not have much experience on website making like HTML and CSS. However, I was able to learn some of it on an assignment that I did when I was in the FDOM class last semester. Becks Larson was a great professor for this class who was able to help me during her office hours and by email. I will miss her when she graduates with her Master’s Degree from from Texas State after this semester. Sara Shields, grad student tutor, has also been helpful whenever I needed help with web assignments during her teaching assistant lab hours on campus.
My favorite assignment that I did was the iMovie project since I have had a lot experience of using it in classes before. The assignment that was my least favorite was the hobby or organization site, bootstraps project. I had a lot of trouble trying to do that project since it was really complicated to understand and to remember how to use it properly.
I want to still learn more about web publishing and will try to keep my Blue Host website after this semester. I will be taking a Computer Science summer class after this semester. So I’m sure that I will do good in the class by having this HTML and CSS experience from this class. I will always try to be skillful by doing web publishing since I’m a Mass Comm Journalist major. Knowing these internet skills will benefit me after I graduate and try to find a job as a photojournalist.