The troubleshooting exam wasn’t too bad at all. The one error that through me off was the table! The footer was just so out of place and I tried a lot of things to get it working. A lot of the errors on the assignment were ones I had already had trouble with on my own page so luckily I knew what was wrong.
I’m enjoying learning the CSS because in all of the other web classes I’ve taken, it’s the one topic that isn’t covered in depth. HTML is starting to become second nature and I’m honestly loving every minute of it.
One website that has come in handy has been this cheatsheet from WebMonkey.
Dylan Lochridge-Fletcher-Blog Post 2
I love the cheat sheet! I just bookmarked it!
I have never used cheat sheet before! i’m definitely going to have to give it a try!
I had trouble with the footer as well. I guess I need to pay more attention to tables!