My first experience with coding was my freshman year of college when I took Jon Zmikly’s Fundamentals of Digital Online Media course. I learned the basis of HTML code and a little history about it, but as far as actually implementing that code into a website, this is my first time. Actually working with code is a lot different than just learning about it, because you have to be very precise and detail-oriented with every line of code or the website will not function properly. It is very challenging for me, because I tend to problem solve and look at things as a whole rather than analyze every little thing, so I definitely feel out of comfort zone. However, I love this challenge because I am learning something different and gaining skills that could further my professional career in the future.

Ever since we have begun styling our personal sites and I have noticed the style of other websites a lot more. I used to just overlook it and never think that much of it, but now that I understand how much code goes into style, I am fascinated by it! One of my favorite sites is the Free People blog. Free People is a clothing brand I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with, but they actually have an interactive site where they blog about different things such as: DIY beauty projects, healthy recipes, yoga, fashion, etc. I love the design of the style, because the mood really fits the brand. This here is a link to the home page. The picture below is a screen shot from the music section of the blog. The style of this post really caught my eye, because of the different colors and stacking of images. And again, it really fits the look of the brand as well.

Screen Shot 2016-02-12 at 9.43.29 PM


Amy Berryhill- Blog Post 1

One thought on “Amy Berryhill- Blog Post 1

  • February 14, 2016 at 9:38 pm

    It blew my mind when I found out you can look at a website’s code! I’ve been doing it a lot when I’m browsing the internet and I like a site’s style!


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