My first experiences with coding started like a lot of classmates, with MySpace. I thought the custom layouts were the coolest part about the website. In middle school I would play around with Photoshop Elements and became familiar with the programs layout. Fast forward to high school when I took a media class where we learned Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Flash. This class taught us the groundwork for flash and html. I honestly only remember the Dreamweaver and Photoshop info even though we became Adobe Certified Associates in all programs. Here at TXST, taking FDOM was a nice refresher on the previously learned content.

The HTML portion wasn’t any new information to me, but it is always good practice. CSS on the other hand is a whole new ballgame. It’s different then what I’ve worked with before. I love the simplicity CSS adds to website designing. I’ve known about the “inspect” element on webpages but only know am I beginning to understand what half of it means. One thing i’m interested in learning is including interactive content and HTML 5.

The website I love is the Apple Music website. As an employee for Apple, I end up going to this page at least once a shift. Apple re designed their whole website a few months ago and it’s amazing. The music page is the best part. The site includes all the facets of what Apple has to offer musically. From Itunes to AppleMusic to Beats 1. I am a visual person and everything about the re design just works for me.  These screen grabs do not give any justice to this beautifully designed interactive website.


Dylan Lochridge-Fletcher- Blog Post 1

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