I hardly have any experience with coding. I first saw how coding was done back when the social media MySpace was popular, but I still did not understand how it worked. The first time I started to understand how coding worked was when I was in my FDOM class last semester. My FDOM instructor made videos for the students to watch that explained how to use coding in HTML and CSS style. Coding feels a lot like doing algebra since one code mistake will mess up the website. The website can only be fixed when all of the codes are set up right. My expectations of coding is that being good at math would probably help people understand how it’s strategy works similarly. The website that I visit often is Wizards of the Coast, which is a fantasy gaming company website. It has really nice art background design on its web pages. It is well organized on how their web pages are set up that all have designs of color and slide shows of art drawing and pictures. It also has great search engines that tell one what game stores are close to them, and sell the games they like to play.




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