Prior to taking this class the only knowledge of coding I had was from taking FDOM my first semester at Texas State and back in my middle school days when I would hop on MySpace and create or improve layouts for my profile and add graphics, music, slideshows etc. FDOM reintroduced me to coding, but I thank MySpace for my coding experience because if I wanted my profile to look a certain way I would Google (which is exactly what I do for this class) what I wanted to know and I would just go along and teach myself. WebPub has definitely helped with giving a name to each type of code and using Text Wrangler rather than just pasting code in a Word document and searching for things the way I did in middle school. MySpace coding felt a lot easier than WebPub and I’m sort of nervous in this class because it’s more technical, but I’m excited that I am finally able to properly learning the basics and core of coding so that I can use it in the future. Since taking this class I have gained so much respect for website creators. It’s a lot of tedious work and can be frustrating getting things right, but the end product seems so rewarding to see.
Now, I must admit when I read the part of the prompt about choosing a website that I get inspiration from I freaked out because I feel like I don’t regularly go to websites and if I do they are mainly for online shopping. I find myself to use apps more often than not or sites like Netflix and Facebook (definitely not something I get inspiration from) so the website I chose was…Brandy Melville. It’s super clean and simple. There’s not a whole lot going on. But that’s exactly what I like about it. I like websites that don’t overdo the design. I prefer quality content and pictures. Of course Brandy Melville is an online store so there’s not a whole lot of written content, but I enjoy the homepage picture slideshow and all of their Instagram pictures.
I have to admit I had no idea what to look for in website design until I read your post. I definitely agree with your preference of “quality content and pictures” so I literally Googled “simple clean website design” until I found one I liked. The one I chose is someone’s online portfolio as opposed to an online store, but nevertheless it follows the same concept of simplicity and valuable content. So…. thanks? haha.