My experience in this class was definitely one of learning. Web publication and HTML were both foreign to me when I began this course. I admit I had my hesitations at first and felt as though the material was an entirely different language, but that grew to be my favorite aspect of the class. I couldn’t remember the last time I took a course to learn a new craft, something I had no prior knowledge of. It was in a way refreshing to have to remain engaged in a course in order to succeed. This semester was my last as a bobcat and it was somewhat nice to have a course I couldn’t “check out” of early. My favorite assignment would have to be project one. I guess it was the excitement and pride I felt publishing my first hand-coded site. Referring back to the Text Wrangler documents to finally find a way to fix a problem reminded me of the triumph I felt solving a ridiculous math equation. This made the course have many areas of reward. Having the finished product of multiple websites was what made the course worth it. The only struggle I faced was the times I couldn’t access a computer with the application Fetch. I didn’t have this application on my computer at home so I relied solely on class time to complete assignments. This forced me to be productive within class hours, but cause a bit of stress near due dates. I feel that moving forward I will want to keep these skills exercised and fresh in my mind. As I graduate this December and enter the workplace, I feel as though these skills are highly marketable. I would not want to loose the knowledge I’ve built upon throughout this course. Overall I am please with what I’m able to walk away with thanks to this class.
That’s a Wrap!