Overall, I can truly say I have enjoyed this class. I gained knowledge on topics I knew very little about in the beginning, and engaged in thought-provoking conversation with my peers. I always have found web design to be very interesting and intricate. I never thought that I would be able to learn how to code, but after taking this class I confidently say I know how to do basic HTML and CSS. I might still have to Google a few things, but then again that’s what search engines are for.

The assignment I struggled with the most this semester was Project 3 because I strongly dislike(d) Bootstrap. I sincerely hope I never have to work with Bootstrap again. I personally just did not like the Bootstrap themes or the layout it had. It was just confusing for me. Also, not having a Mac seemed to cause a challenge for me sometimes. I wish there would of been more lab hours or just a little more instruction on how to work with coding on PCS to make working at home easier. My favorite assignment would have to be the IMovie because that was the first time I’ve ever shot and edited down film clips to put together a video of my own, which I think is pretty cool.

In the fall I hope to continue to build my knowledge about coding by taking the Coding & Data Skills class.  I know it will probably be a hard class, but I think knowing how to work with coding on a higher level will better my chances in the work field.

Thank you Mrs. Larson for being an awesome teacher!

Wrap-up Thoughts

One thought on “Wrap-up Thoughts

  • November 23, 2015 at 11:04 pm

    I agree about the Macs. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten by in this class without one, honestly.


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