I know it’s a day late, but I’ll still submit it! When I first came into this class, I was a bit nervous because I joined about a week late so I was already behind. However once I caught up, I really began to enjoy coding. HTML wasn’t my favorite, just because it was a little bit bland and you couldn’t really do much, but once we hit CSS, I really began to enjoy it. I loved doing the bootstrap project because I really began to make my website my own and have it look the way I wanted it to. In a way, it didn’t even feel like a project at all, but more of something fun and creative to do. I understand we had to know HTML in order to really customize out bootstrap, but the HTML was still… eh.

As far as the class goes, it was very well paced, other than me coming into it late, I still feel like a grasped everything pretty easily. It was helpful having the big screen in front to kind of see everything as an example before jumping into it, as opposed to reading from a book and just kind of learning on our own. Granted, everything wasn’t always easy to grasp initially, but that’s why we have the internet! Overall I was impressed with what I learned in such a short amount of time, and coding is something that is definitely here to stay so I’m glad I have the understanding that I do know of it.

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