After taking the troubleshooting assessment I overall feel very comfortable with the coding itself. I think my biggest struggle is with remembering how to save the files with the correct names style (all lower case, index.html, etc) and then uploading them on to Fetch. One other struggle would probably be with changing the nav link colors in general and then making sure the colors look good together (but that’s kind of just a style problem). Other than that I surprisingly felt very comfortable with the rest of the assessment.

One website that I’ve been using to help me figure out code is . The site has HTML and CSS tutorials and how to’s. I like this website a lot because it gives examples and breaks it down for the user. So far W3Schools has had all the coding we’ve covered class and much more. It’s easy to understand and I’ve actually learned quite a bit from it. They also have a “Try it Yourself” button which I have never personally used, but basically it lets you edit and mess with the code and see the result of how it will turn out before you do it on your own site which is pretty cool. I kind of just like messing with it on my own site though. I highly recommend checking out this site if you ever forget how to do something or just need some extra help with code in general, both HTML and CSS.

Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 12.19.06 PM
Screenshot of W3Schools site
Blog Post 2 – Alena Leseten

2 thoughts on “Blog Post 2 – Alena Leseten

  • February 26, 2016 at 1:04 pm

    I had the same struggle with the links! I couldn’t ever find colors that I liked together.

  • February 26, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    I definitely had trouble trying to figure out colors for my nav that looked nice… So funny that is the most challenging part.


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