Hey everyone! I feel like I have already learned a great deal of code this semester. I am completely new to coding, so it’s all about baby steps. The troubleshooting assignment was actually pretty easy for me, which I was surprised by; I thought I would have a difficult time locating specific errors in the code, because I tend to look at things in a “big picture” type way and not very individually. I feel much more comfortable with HTML code than CSS. It was easier for me see basic HTML errors, like opening and closing tags, than seeing if the classes and ID’s were written correctly.

Overall, the assignment wasn’t too bad, but it did take me a while to figure out that I needed to close the table tag on I believe it was the contacts page.

Throughout this course, especially for the first 2 projects, I would often google things like “CSS help” or “HTML help” whenever I felt confused about a specific code. I came across this website here during project one and it has been a good reference page for me while I code.  It’s called “W3 Schools” and offers a lot of step-by-step HTML and CSS help from the basics to intricate code sequences. Just seeing examples of background color changes and things like that really helped me with my website and the troubleshooting assignment!

Amy Berryhill-Blog Post 2

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