Our first experience with learning and applying the basics of html code has been very rewarding for me already. My previous knowledge of html solely came from the Fundamentals of Digital and Online Media class here at Texas State that I took a few semesters ago. During that course we just briefly went over an introduction to coding and were asked to create a simple one page index with our picture and some information about us. We were given a template to use for the css and other aspects we didn’t have enough time to cover during class, but as soon as we began this project I realized how much I enjoyed learning how to code. Once I had the opportunity to take this Web Publishing course I was very excited to get the opportunity to broaden my knowledge and expand on the few things I learned in FDOM.

Being able to code our websites from the ground up is a really satisfying feeling. It makes you feel pretty proud to be able to type in your own website address and be able to see something awesome that you had no idea how to create a month ago. Even though it can be challenging sometimes, as learning anything new can be, it’s easier to understand than most people would expect. I can’t wait to keep expanding on css code and styling and make these skeleton html layouts look like awesome and creative websites we visit every day. An example of one of these interesting websites I wanted to include is actually one I stumbled upon looking for inspiration for my own, which I now visit frequently because it’s so much fun to use. The website is http://www.vlog.it, and it’s a collection of videos from the author that are displaying in one of the most unique and fun ways to explore things I’ve ever seen, so you should check it out!

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Mikaela Lewis- Blog Post 1

4 thoughts on “Mikaela Lewis- Blog Post 1

  • February 12, 2016 at 5:13 pm

    Hello! I took FDOM too, and I agree with the feeling from building a website from the ground up being way more rewarding. I can’t wait to do more css and get better at it. That vlog website is really cool! It takes away from the traditional website and yet still has everything there in an organized way. Great choice in website!

  • February 12, 2016 at 5:29 pm

    I love Vlog It that was so cool! I want to be able to code something like that one day. I learned HTML in FDOM as well and I am really excited to expand my knowledge with Web Pub too!!

  • February 12, 2016 at 7:25 pm

    I had never seen this website before. It’s really modern looking and vibrant. The graphics really stand out. I appreciated the fact that the designer gave clear instructions on how to navigate through his website. It helped a lot since I had never visited the site before.

  • February 14, 2016 at 8:53 pm

    I really like the site that inspires you. It is really simple, yet vibrant and different. I think it also shows the power and impact of videos in digital media. The opening graphics for the videos are unique and eye catching as well. Overall an awesome website!


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