I first began my coding experience last semester in a digital and online media class. Since then, I have been researching more coding strategies on my own and have been having a lot of fun learning how to create new things. HTML came naturally to me, but continuing into CSS has been a bit more challenging. This challenge has only pushed me to want to learn more and to excel.
I have browsed various HTML5 sites and CropTrust is one of my design favorites. CropTrust is an international organization that works to safeguard crop diversity, and they project this goal in style. Color blocks separate categories, while displaying simple, yet eye catching interactive animation. This beautiful, organic theme calls to my inner “nature girl”, which makes it one of my favorites.
I agree, I like the different colored blocks it makes it easy to navigate. Also the three bigger blocks really illustrates what the organization views as their strengths. The “natural” colors and the clean lines are very appealing to the viewer.
Woah! This webpage is so cool. I really enjoy the response you get from the mouse when you hover over certain parts of the page. It’s clean and really well organized as well. Rad!
I really liked this page. The effects made it seem like I was flipping through a book. The pictures were very eye catching which kept me entertained. The content is what’s really important and the layout and pictures actually made me want to go through the website.