I really enjoyed taking this course. I remember when I was trying to decide between taking this course or media design I was anxious about the hand-coding aspect of it and worried that I would have trouble grasping this new language. I surprised myself however with the skills I was able to learn relatively quickly and am definitely going to continue researching and learning the different aspects of coding and design on my own.
I had a few favorite assignments throughout the course. The assignment I had the most fun doing was the i-movie assignment. Having already been familiar with i-Movie I didn’t struggle to understand the program and instead I could focus on the creativity and organization of the project itself. I enjoyed finding out people’s opinions about their news consumption in relation to social media and organizing into a sweet little 2-minute video. Another assignment I enjoyed was making a website for an organization using bootstrap. Although boostrap was a challenge to work with I really liked the freedom it gave you in terms of website content and design.
My biggest struggles during the course came from understanding the differences between html and css. Getting a handle on divs and classes was definitely something I needed to practice. Before taking the course I had worked with html a little bit but not to the extent that I did this semester. I was happy to get the practice with it that I did because I doubt I would have been able to understand programs like boostrap and fetch and wordpress.org on my own. I was also glad to finally get my own domain! I plan to hopefully keep up with my personal website and add to it so it can eventually be a website I can show future employers.