Unfortunately my schedule was packed so I couldn’t attend as many or some of the panels I wanted to such as the creating enticing content, or the future of digital media panels. The panels I did attend, not required by other classes, were interesting. First was the media programming panel. I think the future of all types of media is interesting and I’m excited to see what the future holds. As someone who hardly watches TV, except for sports, I enjoyed hearing about what the future of TV looked like. Many believe it will go to a subscription service, which would be awesome so I can just get what I want without the extra crap. The other panel was covering a crisis and using the Memorial Day flood as an example. It’s crazy how much of a scramble that causes for so many different types of media, government, radio, and newspaper. I tried to take what I learned and apply it to sports. Sports doesn’t have natural disasters, but there are some major incidents that get treated in a similar respect. For example the Boston Marathon bombing, or the arrest of Aaron Hernandez.

MC Week

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