Mass Comm week was a blast in my personal opinion. I normally attend mass comm week because I feel as though it keeps me up to date on what’s going on in the world of journalism. This years Comm Week was somewhat better than the last one I attended. I felt as though Everyone was more involved and hyped on the speakers. I also noticed that speakers were more willing to really get involved with the students past just the Q&A.

One panel that I attended showcased Chris Perez,  the CEO of Left/Right Media. Chris was a great speaker because he was very relatable, he wanted to start his own company but did not have the tools or recourses to do so. So what did he do? He googled! He scoured the web for tutorials on web design and coding. Now his creation Citygram Magazine has taken off and they are hoping to expand the company to different area in the United States. I lived Tweeted the event a Citygram retweeted my content. Heres the Tweet.

chris perez


I also did some fast reporting and filmed an interview I conducted with Gary Boyer,  a freelance/NBA Videographer. Gary had some good advice for inspiring videographers. Check it out. I apologize for the video quality as well as the quick editing. Thanks Gary for allowing me to interview you if you ever read this.

Mass Comm Week- Chealsey Foradory

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