This year’s Mass Comm week was a really confidence boosting experience for me. I was able to attend two panels at this year’s event. I was able to hear from Burt Herman, founder of Hacks/Hackers and Storify, Trei Brundrett, chief product officer at Vox Media and Anna Tauzin, a senior marketing manager at Innovation and Entrepreneurial Services of the National Restaurant Association. Their panel, named “Adventures in media innovation,” was directed towards the rapidly changing world and the effect it has on the future of media. All of the panelists had multiple things to say and how their careers are structured. They emphasized the power of social media and how far it can possibly go.
Ana Toro, a senior manager at ICF International public relations, spoke in her “Multicultural PR: A niche worth pursuing” about the importance of multicultural PR. Diversity is a big topic in the future of PR. Learning a new language may be one of the most beneficial ways to succeed in this modern age. A career in public relations can be helped drastically if one is able to communicate with multiple groups of people. With that communication skill, a whole new door to clients, associates and friends is opened up.