I had a great time with the events during Mass Comm week. One of my favorite events was held in the Evan’s auditorium on Tuesday. Author Domingo Garcia gave a speech to Hispanic high school students, as well as Texas State students, about the importance of earning a college degree. Martinez has a history of skipping school, and when he first went to college the pattern continued. Martinez dropped out and suffered the consequences. He tried to make a living writing content for websites, which left him unfulfilled. He was able to go back to college in his 30’s and finally earn a degree. Now he is the best selling author of The Boy Kings of Texas, a memoir about his family life growing up in Brownsville near the Texas’ boarder.
Another presentation I attended was about presenting storytelling on multiple platforms. The editor of National Geographic spoke about tailoring content to different mediums such as television, internet, social media, and print. I fount it interesting that they are still able to produce the print edition of National Geographic. He also spoke about why the content is less educational on television.
I enjoyed Mass Comm week, and felt I was able to learn a lot by hearing professionals from their industries. It also gives you the opportunity to meet alumni.
-Andrew Blanton
I regret not attending National Geographic. After seeing that spoke about content management I wish I had gone because that info actually sounds interesting and useful.